Karniyarik, gefüllte Auberginen

Karnıyarık, stuffed eggplant

Karnıyarık (open stomach)

is a Turkish dish with eggplant that is often cooked in Turkey. The preparation is mediocre and takes some time, but the more your guests are happy about this change.

Karniyarik, gefüllte Auberginen

Here are the ingredients:

3 eggplants, medium size
300 gr. Minced meat (veal lamb mixed, even only veal or beef is ok)
8 tomatoes
10 top green pepperoni (turkish)
2 onions
4 toes of garlic
tomato paste
Red pepper (ground)
Caraway seed

Karniyarik, gefüllte Auberginen

Wash the aubergines first and divide the length in two so that it gives 6 halves. Pour sunflower oil into a slightly deeper pan and fry the aubergines until soft and slightly brown. Then arrange them on a round plate, which is intended for the oven, with the cutting surface side by side.
In another pot, the finely chopped onions are sautéed with a little olive oil until they turn glassy. Then add the minced meat and the chopped 4 pepperoni and sauté until it begins to bake easily at the bottom of the pot. When this happens, add the washed and diced 6 tomatoes and thinly sliced ​​4 cloves of garlic to a medium fire. When the tomatoes start to dissolve, add the tomato puree and stir well. Finally with salt and pepper (one pinch each), oregano and thyme (one tablespoon each), a teaspoon of cumin and at the end add a light pinch of cinnamon and cook for another 5 to 10 minutes.
The aubergines lined up in the tray are slightly opened in the middle and filled with the minced meat mixture. On the top of it, add one more pepperoni and one or two slices of tomatoes, place in the preheated oven and bake at about 220 ° C until the tomatoes and pepperoni above are cooked.

I wish you good appetite.

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