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Travel reports and information about Bodrum and surroundings
Bodrum ist ein malerischer Ort im südwestlichen Zipfel der türkischen Ägäis. Die Bucht wird beherrscht von dem Wahrzeichen Bodrums, dem auf einer kleinen Halbinsel im Hafen der Stadt gelegenen wuchtigen Kastell St. Peter. Erbaut von den Johannitern im 15. Jh. beherbergt es heute eines der interessantesten Museen der Türkei. Das Unterwassermuseum. An Kultureller Vielfalt bietet Bodrum und seine Umgebung so einiges. Sei es Pamukkale oder Hierapolis, Myndos, Aspat, Euromos, Heralleia, Milet, Iasos oder auf den Bergen bei Milas/Mylasa die Antike Stadt Labranda.
The city center of today’s Bodrum is the picturesque quarter around the harbor, where bazaar-like shops, bars and restaurants crowd in the shadow of the castle. The main artery forms the Cumhurriyet Caddesi, which runs approximately parallel to the beach. Here are numerous souvenir shops, but also leather and jewelry stores. Sailors have always been attracted to Bodrum by magic. Hundreds of boats are moored in the harbor and in the marina, set against the backdrop of the city. Here in Bodrum are still built by hand in countless small shipyards, the Tersanes, the typical for this area wooden boats, the gulets.
On the following pages you will get information and travel reports about Bodrum and its history, but also about the peninsula and its villages. From the way of life and the customs to the private accommodation. You will find a lot about Bodrum and on my blog page I write too much that goes with it. On the video page you can see my videos that I have taken in and around Bodrum.